Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lutz Citizens Coalition and the Hillsborough County Commissions roll over to the developers

An email from the President of the Lutz Citizen's Coalition:

Dear Coalition Members, and Lutz Friends,
At tonight's LCC meeting, we discussed why it is important for more people to learn the land development processes.
Well, how's this for an example?
While LCC members were being told by the County Planning Commission, at tonight's LCC meeting, about how important their input is to the County for long range land use planning, the BOCC was busy handing over even more keys to our County to developers.
The Commissioners quietly abrogated even more of their responsibilities today by passing a measure allowing developers to hire INDEPENDENT planners, etc., to sign off on projects stating that they meet all of the requirements (LDC, Comp Plan, and Community Plans). Who's going to be held accountable for those projects built only to find out that they DON'T meet those standards? The County? The developer? The independent planner? No one! And, once again, the community will be stuck with an inappropriately constructed or placed monstrosity.
REALLY? They just handed the regulatory process over to the developers too! Is this REALLY what we elected these Commissioners to do on our behalf? The vote was 6-0 to approve (Miller was not present). 6-0! Not one Commissioner is worth his or her weight in sand.
Next week, they will vote on a resolution to; a) reduce developer's fees by 60% for a year (shifting the estimated 12.4 MILLION dollar burden to the taxpayer), and  b) "streamline" the approval process for developers, making it easier to go straight through to construction.
Slowly but surely, the 31 pro-developer recommendations of the EPSC (Economic Prosperity Stakeholders Committee) are quietly being implemented, a few at a time. You know how to oil a frog?
If we all don't learn these processes and become involved, then NO ONE has any right to complain about the inappropriate projects (a mall, office building, pig farm, a 1,000+ student 180,000 sq/ft school, etc.,) that will be built in their quiet rural residential neighborhoods!! 
Anyone wishing to get involved, let me know. I, for one, have had enough.
Mike White, President
Lutz Citizens Coalition