Sunday, May 06, 2012

Gates High School Meeting 5/9/12 6:30PM

I was forwarded the following email so that all Lutz area neighborhoods would have the opportunity to attend the meeting Wednesday night regarding the Gates High School.. The previous community meetings included "Sunset Manor and the lake communities only. Therefore, no other community has had an opportunity to voice their concerns. Since this is the final petition to the Hillsborough County Rezoning Committee it is only fair that all communities are fully informed."

Subject: Final community meeting

Learning Gate will hold its final neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, May 9 at 6:30 in Heron Hall at our current site located at 16215 Hanna Road. We will show the most current conceptual site drawings and bring you up to date on where we are. Beck will be at the meeting to give you an overview of how we want to build our buildings. I will also share with you all of the conditions that we have agreed to while working with Bob Whitman and Colleen Kruk. We have worked together over the past several months with the county and Colleen and Bob to reach a comfortable working relationship. It is our goal to have as little impact on the property as possible and to be responsible land owners. We hope to bring a great community of dedicated parents,students and staff to the Lutz community and become a great community service source and a facility that will be open to learning opportunities for the community. Hope to see you Wednesday.

Patti Girard

Please note that the Zoning Hearing is May 14, 2012 at 6:00PM  at the Board of County Commissioners Boardroom,  2nd Floor  County Center, 601 E Kennedy Blvd, Tampa.  The Zoning Application Number is 12-0429.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

Our community is in desperate need of a new school that is bucking the traditional norms of what a school should be like. We have seen the countless schools that the counties build, bulldoze the track of land, build an ugly flat campus that has 4 seedling trees and no harmony or respect for the environment it is built in.
Gates is not going to be another county school that is an eyesore and just another school. The community will be housing a school that will likely be honored as one of the elite learning institutions in the country that will have a long line of students trying to attend. Look at what they have done at Learning Gate:
The schools is winning national honors and has teemed up with USF school of engineering to develop ways to be more energy independent and resourceful. It is schools like these that our nation needs to invest in to help us get back in the lead when it comes to science and education.
Lets build the school and be proud of what Lutz is offering the nation when we graduate out some of the brightest students that Florida has to offer.