Monday, May 28, 2012

Lutz Memorial Park

Lutz has a Memorial Park at 19000 US 41 corner Lutz Lake Fern 

There are several features.

A three side obelisk with the following 3 plaques

In Memory of Those Who Served

 To Honor Those Who Now Serve

 Our Gratitude to Those Who Will Serve

Next to the obeslisk is a flag pole
 with the following flag
In Memory of Ben Neve
17- January 1919 - 21 November 1967
Lutz Citizens League for the Bicentennial Celebration

On the south side of the park is a Memorial building with another flag pole nearby

The flag pole has a plaque

In Memory of Those Who Served
Ladies Auxiliary
To The
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 4932
November 11, 1999

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was recently in the park and took some pictures too. In order for the next generation to pass on the rich history of Lutz, the question of who is, why, and what was/is the history of the organizations in the pictures should be presented along with the pictures to make the story complete for all to gain knowledge and understanding.